What Is a Static or Dynamic IP Address? Learn Your Basics

What Is a Static or Dynamic IP Address? Learn Your Basics

static or dynamic ip address

Do you know that you have an online identifier like a Social Security Number? Your IP address lets systems and other gadgets locate your device on the internet. And you can have a static or dynamic IP address. 

However, dynamic IP addresses are more prevalent. So, many people don’t know they can opt for a static IP address. It’ll be best to make this choice armed with information, though. So, first, you need to understand the nature of static and dynamic IP addresses. 

You also need to know their advantages and disadvantages. So, this page explains all the vital facts on static and dynamic IP addresses. This will include the differences between both IPs and how to get each. Read on. 

What Is an IP Address?

IP address stands for Internet Protocol address. It is a unique set of numbers that identifies a gadget or a local network. This string of numbers allows for data transfer between devices on computer networks. Your IP address is how the internet differentiates your devices from other such devices on the internet. 

An IP address will usually appear as a set of four numbers like Usually, a full stop separates the four sets of numbers. And these numbers range from 0 to 255. Finally, IP addresses aren’t randomly assigned figures. Instead, they’re mathematically generated and allocated. 

What Is a Static IP Address?

A static IP address always stays the same. It’s a constant IP address that doesn’t change as long as your device exists. VPNs can also offer static IP addresses, sometimes called dedicated IP addresses. With this type of IP, you’ll be the only user once it’s assigned to your account. Static IP addresses are great for server hosting, as it’ll be easier for devices to quickly find and connect to your servers. 

Merits of Static IP Addresses

Using a static IP address has several advantages. Some of them include the following:

Controlling Your Online Reputation

Suppose you need to regulate your online reputation. Then, you can get a static IP address from a VPN. This helps you control what’s done with the IP address. Dynamic IPs don’t give you this control. So, the subscriber who used the IP address before may have broken some rules and got an IP ban. Sadly, you’ll not have access to such a site if the VPN assigns the blacklisted IP address to you. Your only option will be to reconnect and get a new IP address. 

Better Browsing Experiences 

Welcome to the world of CAPTCHA, where you always have to prove that you aren’t a bot. With a static IP address, websites and apps will get used to your internet traffic. So, you can escape CAPTCHA checks. In addition, you don’t always have to repeat specific verification tests, especially with online banking platforms.

Enables Remote Access to Secure Computer Systems and Networks 

Static IPs are great for granting remote access to secure servers and devices to a restricted class. Those who need access to the server can get a static IP address from a VPN and have the server controller whitelist such IPs. Then, only IP addresses on the allowlist can access the servers. It’s safer and easier than verifying and authenticating multiple IP addresses continuously. 

Better Geo-Location Services 

Most devices and online platforms have geo-location features. Although geo-location has downsides, such as surveillance, there are some benefits too. For example, you can track your missing gadgets through geo-location. Static IPs thus make this easier as you merely have to track the location of a definite IP address. The alternative will first require you to determine the exact IP address the device is operating on.

Demerits of Static IP Addresses 

Even with their lofty promises, static IPs have some disadvantages that we show below.

Not Good for Bypassing Geo-Restrictions

Suppose you have a static US IP address and want to unblock Netflix libraries from other countries. You wouldn’t be able to access such content with that static IP address. So, dedicated IPs can limit your internet content. 

They’re only great if you want to unblock content continually in a specific region. For example, someone in Europe that can access multiple materials across the internet can get a dedicated US IP address for watching US entertainment. 

Extra Fees 

Static IP addresses are additional security and VPN features. The VPNs with this option, charge subscribers extra fees to enjoy the static IP address. This is separate from the original subscription fee. 

Not Generally Available 

Only a few VPNs offer static or dedicated IP addresses. They can use either name, but the function is the same. Therefore, if you want a static IP address, it limits the VPN service providers you can choose from. So, you’ll run into issues if you don’t like the other features the VPNs offer. 

What Is a Dynamic IP Address?

Dynamic IP addresses are subject to change; they aren’t permanent. Gadgets can change their IP addresses as you continue using them. The IP address is active for only short or definite periods. 

Dynamic IP addresses are necessary because there aren’t enough static IPs. So, your ISP’s Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers assign dynamic IPs when necessary. 

For dynamic IP addresses, you can also call them shared IPs when dealing with VPNs. You get a different IP address every time you connect to the VPN, hence the name dynamic IP address. 

Advantages of Dynamic IP Addresses

People choose dynamic IP addresses for various reasons. We explain some of them below.

Accessing Content from Different Regions 

With a dynamic IP address, you can watch content in different regions like Netflix in the US, DAZN in Germany, and YouTube in China, where it’s banned, and even access your local TV stations and online services. This is because the static IP address, especially from a VPN, allows you to switch between these platforms by connecting to a server in each location.

Escaping ISP Tracking and Surveillance 

Your ISP and other third parties can track your internet activity through your IP address. So, with a dynamic IP that always changes, it’ll be impossible for these third parties to keep up with you, thus offering better security. 

Cheaper IP Addresses 

The dynamic IP address is the cheaper option if you’re using a VPN. This is because you get dynamic IPs by default and don’t have to pay extra fees. 

Disadvantages of Dynamic IP Addresses 

Dynamic IP addresses also have some downsides, like the following:

Continuous Verification Checks

If your device’s IP address keeps changing, you’ll always have to run through verifications such as CAPTCHA. This is because the websites you visit cannot always recognize the new IP address you present when connecting. 

Less Secure Remote Connections 

With dynamic IP addresses, remote access connections will also be less secure. This is because of the multiple IP addresses that’ll always try connecting to the servers. Moreover, your system will spend significant time verifying and authenticating every such connection. 

Poor Online Reputation Management

Finally, you also cannot control your online reputation with shared or dynamic IPs. This is because you can’t regulate what others do when the IPs are assigned to them. Moreover, you cannot vet an IP address’s usage history to determine whether it’s been used for bad purposes. 

How Can I Protect My Static or Dynamic IP Address?

The short answer? VPNs. A VPN can protect your device and your IP address on the internet. A virtual private network (VPN) allows you to change your IP address and pick one from another country. You’ll automatically get a shared or dynamic IP address when you connect to a VPN. Thus, you’ll connect to the internet through your new VPN IP address. 

This connection will also route your internet data through an encrypted tunnel, protecting it from hackers and data snoops. In addition, an excellent VPN will have an Internet Killswitch. So, even if your internet connection drops, your real IP address will not leak. 


Now you know all there is to know about static and dynamic addresses. You can thus choose which one is best for you at each point. Whatever type of IP address you choose, it’ll be best to take an extra step and protect your IP address from third parties by signing up for a reliable VPN service. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Static and Dynamic IP Address?

Dynamic vs. static IP address; which is better? 

Dynamic and static IP addresses have different uses, advantages, and disadvantages. So, what’s good for you depends on what you want to do with the IP address. While unblocking multiple geo-blocked content is easier with dynamic IPs, static IPs ensure that once you get on a platform’s whitelist, you can control your actions and avoid an IP ban. Therefore, none of the IP address types is better than the other. Only your preference and needs matter. 

How can I hide my device’s IP address?

You can hide your internet gadget’s IP address by subscribing and connecting to an excellent VPN. After hiding your actual IP, you can get a new one from a VPN. The websites and apps you use cannot see your original IP address.

Is it legal to get a new IP address?

Yes, it’s generally legal to switch from static to dynamic IP addresses, and so far. However, you cannot perform this IP address switch to commit a cybercrime. But you wouldn’t have any issues if you had only lawful intentions. Only a few countries, like China and North Korea, prevent residents from changing their IP addresses through VPNs.